Three puppies
Vet with animals
Three puppies

Our people

By empowering our teams and sharing insights across borders, we are able to elevate the standard of care and strengthen our presence in each of the seven markets.

Our leadership

Our leadership team is wholeheartedly committed to facilitating growth within our community by harnessing the collective knowledge from each country.

Vetopia Scientific and Ethical Council

The Vetopia Scientific and Ethical Council advises management and the Board of Directors regarding all medical, clinical and quality-related topics within Vetopia. The council is comprised of country representatives collectively ensuring a comprehensive and informed approach to decision-making.
Terese Næverdal

Terese Næverdal

EMPET Skedsmo Dyresykehus (NO)

Sigitas Cizinauskas

Sigitas Cizinauskas

Eläinsairaala Aisti (FI)

Jesper Møller Nielsen

Jesper Møller Nielsen

Ansager Hestehospital (DK)

Florian Herold

Florian Herold

Learning and development

Sebastian Leibetseder

Sebastian Leibetseder

Learning and development

Board of Directors

Combining strong business acumen, in-depth veterinary knowledge, and healthcare expertise, the Board ensures that decisions are guided by both local market dynamics and specialised veterinary insights.
Gerard van Odijk

Gerard van Odijk

Chairman of the Board

Rasmus Lennart Hansen

Rasmus Lennart Hansen

Board member

Suvi Heinola

Suvi Heinola

Board member

Nicolas Haas

Nicolas Haas

Board member

Helene Willberg

Helene Willberg

Board member

Thomas Engzell

Thomas Engzell

Board member

Björn Larsson

Björn Larsson

Board member